There’s a few things that often catch visitors to Weymouth out which we’d like to share with you, if you tell everybody that you’re travelling with then I’m sure your stay will be enhanced, fore warned is fore armed as they say:
Parking – Sadly it’s not easy to get a free parking space in Weymouth, it does get easier the further out of town you are prepared to walk from. Most of the free spaces are restricted to an hour and our Traffic Wardens are HOT, even on Bank Holidays, so don’t even think about taking a chance on it, you’ll get caught!
Seaguls – There’s a local bye law against feeding the Seaguls, many people fail to observe the notices that are around the harbour area, although there aren’t enough we agree, but please don’t feed them they are to the seaside holiday town what rats are to the inner city.
Traffic delays – Weymouth has never been the easiest place to drive into during the summer months but 2010 looks like being worse than usual due to the many roadworks that are taking place in preparation for the Olympics in 2 years time so please be patient or use another method of transport for your journey.