
Westham Community Group

Spirit of Life Community Band – Musical Coffee Morning at the westham methodist church.
Wednesday 11th May 10.00am – 12 noon.
Come along and listen to music from the band and have a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of cake.  Artwork from a local artist will be on display and there will also be a raffle.
Entrance is free and there will just be a small charge for refreshments.

Older posts:

A few things going on in westham over the next few weeks however we will start with some brilliant news

Last Saturdays table top sale raised us £175.95 which is fantastic. this money raised will be used to pay for new tables down at the church..
some dates for you now
Sunday 24 April (Easter Sunday) there is a Easter egg hunt down on the town green (entrance from round hays) this is being ran by the Society for the Protection of Markham and Little Francis
The next working group down the Church’s Saturday  7th May10am till 2pm @ westham Methodist church just the last touches to be put to the community room before the new flooring goes down.
the next westham community group meeting will be on Tuesday 17th may 7pm at the five ways center.
we will then be holding a bingo on Saturday 21st may 2pm till 4pm down at  the  westham Methodist church money raised from this event will be used to part fund a grit box for next winter.
If that’s not enough for you to do check out one of the many other regular things happening at the Church:
Monday’s – Kid’s Fun club & Badminton Club
Wednesday’s – Bright Sparks Toddler Group
Thursday’s – Tea @ 3
Friday’s – Artspace art Group in the afternoon & Carnival Craft Club early evening
Monthly Messy Church and also ‘Rincon Latino’ a Spanish speakers club
Please note that some of these events do not run during the School holiday so contact the office on 839711 to check times and details.
for more information on any of these events please contact me on 07787999187 or email.
Thank you everyone who is distributing the latest version of the Westham Link. If you are not already doing so, and would like a little bit of exercise please contact Erika or Norman who will be happy to give you some to deliver.


Old Dates for your diaries:

Saturday 16th April  11am till 2pm There will be a table top sale on at westham Methodist church. The money raised from this event will be used to buy new tables for the upstairs room of the church which we use for the carnival club.
Tuesday 12th April 7pm there will then be a committee meeting on at westham Methodist church

Tuesday 17th may 7pm open meeting at westham Methodist church
Saturday 21st may 2pm till 4pm bingo at  the  westham Methodist church money raised from this event will be used to part fund a grit box for next winter.
April 9th 10am till 2pm @ westham Methodist church working group

May 7th 10am till 2pm @ westham Methodist church working group
Every Friday carnival club 4 till 6pm @ westham Methodist Church
If any one has anything to donate for our fundraisers please drop into the Church any Friday night whilst carnival club is running or ring Ryan Hope on 07787999187

ON saturday 12th march painting and decorating a community room down at the westham church (newsted road). that’s from 10.00am till 2.00pm with lunch and tea and coffee provided.all the tools are provided all you need is a pear of gloves.

Also on Saturday 12th of march if your more of an out door person, starting at 10:00am.  The town green group will be infilling trees at the sides of the public footpath from Lanehouse Rocks Road across to the Green. This a joint project which includes the Society working with Tom Clarke, RSPB, who is part of the Wild About Weymouth and Portland Team and will be providing the expertise. The Woodland Trust are generously supplying the trees. Volunteers will be welcome so hope to see you there – bring wellies and a spade – refreshments provided. For more info contact Gill on 779936 
On Tuesday 15th of march there is a community group meeting at the westham Methodist church. this is from 6.30pm and normal lasts an hour.this is a place to express you issues and concerns in the area and any ideas you may have. you can also pop in just to see what we have planed and are doing at the mo. 
The last thing is that the westham community group are running a carnival club every friday 4.00pm till 6-00pm down at the Methodist church. come along and join the fun. we have started on this years float and need some help. its 50p a night and hopefully by 17th of August we will have a complete float. 

click here

Chairman: Ryan Hope
07787 999187