Tower Gets Its Top On!
The top of the new Weymouth SEA LIFE Tower will be lowered into place tomorrow (Tuesday).
The 16 ton ‘crown’ section of the 53-metre Tower contains the mechanism that will raise and lower the viewing gondola, which is already being assembled at ground level.
In order to lift the top section above the central steel column of the Tower and then lower it gently into position, a 500-ton crane has been specially commissioned.
The tricky operation is set to take place around mid-day.
The circular viewing gondola, which will eventually carry 70 people at a time to the top of the Tower for spectacular views of the resort and the Jurassic coastline, is expected to be tested for the first time in early May.
The £3.5 million SEA LIFE Tower is set to open early July, in plenty of time to provide passengers during the Olympics with birds-eye views of the sailing events.